
Surprising gifts (a sermon on 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16)

Safe, or faithful? (a sermon on Matthew 25:14-30)

Special meals

A taste of grace (a sermon on John 8:31-36 for Reformation and First Communion)

Planting seeds

His eye is on the sparrow (a sermon on Genesis 21:8-21)

in our own language (a sermon on Acts 2:1-21)

The good shepherd's voice (a sermon for Confirmation Sunday on John 10:1-10)

Vision and context (a sermon on Luke 24:13-35)

the promise of new life (a sermon on John 11:1-45)

Lord's Prayer keychain

Lead us not into temptation

Late-night questions (a sermon on John 3:1-17)

Jesus, revealed (a sermon on Matthew 17:1-9)

Fishing for people (a sermon on Matthew 4:12-23)

belonging and belovedness (a sermon on Matthew 3:13-17)