
Not ready? Jesus is born anyway (a sermon on Luke 2:1-20)

what is Joseph to do? (a sermon on Matthew 1:18-25)

what we've heard and seen (a sermon on Matthew 11:2-11)

baptism - invitation and promise (a sermon on Matthew 3:1-12)

active waiting (a sermon for Advent 1 on Matthew 24:36-44)

gathered around the cross (a sermon for Christ the King)

life in the resurrection (a sermon on Luke 20:27-38)

Meditation on the Psalms

reversals (a sermon on Luke 6:20-31 for All Saints Sunday)

the truth that makes us free (a sermon on John 8:31-36 for Confirmation Sunday)

wrestling (a sermon on Genesis 32)

the lens of gratitude (a sermon on Psalm 111 and Luke 17:11-19)

increase our faith (a sermon on Luke 17:5-10)