Not ready? Jesus is born anyway (a sermon on Luke 2:1-20) December 29, 2019 Christmas Eve Gospel of Luke Jesus +
what we've heard and seen (a sermon on Matthew 11:2-11) December 16, 2019 evangelism God's presence Gospel of Matthew John the Baptist joy +
baptism - invitation and promise (a sermon on Matthew 3:1-12) December 08, 2019 baptism God's promises Gospel of Matthew John the Baptist +
active waiting (a sermon for Advent 1 on Matthew 24:36-44) December 01, 2019 Advent 1 Gospel of Matthew waiting +
life in the resurrection (a sermon on Luke 20:27-38) November 10, 2019 Gospel of Luke heaven relationship resurrection +
Meditation on the Psalms November 07, 2019 lectio divina meditation on the psalms ministry psalms video +
reversals (a sermon on Luke 6:20-31 for All Saints Sunday) November 03, 2019 All Saints kingdom of God +
the truth that makes us free (a sermon on John 8:31-36 for Confirmation Sunday) October 27, 2019 Confirmation failure God's promises Gospel of John grace +
the lens of gratitude (a sermon on Psalm 111 and Luke 17:11-19) October 13, 2019 gratitude praise storybook +