VBS 2024!

We had a wonderful week at Camp Firelight VBS - you can see a glimpse of it in the photos scrolling out on the Narthex TV! With songs, Bible story skits, games, crafts, and mission projects, our almost 100 campers and 40 volunteers had fun, learned about God, and strengthened relationships with one another.

Our theme verse from the week came from Psalm 56:3 - campers, you can say it with me! - “Whenever I’m afraid, I put my trust in you.”

Telling the story of Jesus calming the storm

Along with this theme verse, we had a “Firelight Focus” each day that connected to our Bible story.

On Monday, our Firelight Focus was “Trust God to Go With Us.” We heard the story of Jacob, who trusted God to go with him in a time of fear and uncertainty. In a dream, Jacob saw angels - messengers of God - going up and down a staircase. They shared the message that God would go with Jacob anywhere. After he saw this dream, Jacob felt confident that God would be with him as he met up with his brother Esau after many years, even though he didn’t know how the meeting would go.

We trust that God goes with us everywhere, too - when we’re at home or far away, feeling excited or feeling nervous, doing something familiar or trying something new.

On Tuesday, our Firelight Focus was “Trust God to Lead the Way.” We heard the story of Ruth, which we also heard as today’s first reading. In that story, Ruth and her mother-in-law Naomi are feeling sad. In their grief, God leads them to help each other, offering comfort and support. Ruth has to trust that God will lead her through her grief and sadness into something new. She trusts that God will work through Naomi to lead her to a new home.

We trust that God leads us, too. Just like God did for Ruth, God also gives us people to journey with us and show us the way. It might be a teacher or coach or VBS group leader who shows us where to go and what to do. It might be a parent or grandparent who leads us through the joys and challenges of life. It might be a sibling or friend, who gives advice and support in all the things we face.

On Wednesday, our Firelight Focus was “Trust God to Give Us Peace.” We heard the story of Jesus calming the storm. He and his disciples were out on the lake, and after Jesus was rocked to sleep by the waves, a big storm blew in! The wind howled, waves crashed over the sides of the boat, and the disciples were terrified. They knew what to do, though - they woke Jesus up, and saw his power and authority in action as he calmed the wind, bringing peace to the seas and to the disciples’ fearful hearts.

We trust that God brings us peace, too. There are lots of things that can leave us feeling anxious and afraid. Sometimes it’s the weather, and sometimes it’s things happening in the world, at school, at work, or in our families that worry us. God brings us peace and comfort through loved ones, friends, neighbors - people who show us goodness and love, who bring comfort and assurance to our anxious hearts and minds.

On Thursday, our Firelight Focus was “Trust God to Spark Joy.” We heard the story of Philip and the Ethiopian man. The Ethiopian man was traveling along the road, reading from the scroll of the prophet Isaiah. God made sure that Philip was in the right place at the right time to spend some time with the Ethiopian man, reading and explaining the Bible to him. This interaction sparked such joy in the Ethiopian man that he asked Philip to baptize him right there in some water they saw along the roadway. He wanted to be part of the family of God! Even when Philip was whisked away by the Spirit of the Lord, the Ethiopian man still went on his way rejoicing in what God had done.

We trust that God sparks joy in us, too! This joy is contagious - it can spread through us to all the people we meet. God often surprises and delights us when we least expect it, through connections and experiences that leave a lasting impact.

Two of our lasting impacts were our offering and mission project. As kids came in each morning, we collected an offering to go toward mosquito nets through ELCA Good Gifts. Though mosquitoes are certainly pests for campers, there are parts of the world where they are dangerous, spreading diseases like malaria. Over the course of the week, we collected $610 - and since then, $30 more! - for a total so far of 64 mosquito nets. Wow! 

Our mission project was goodie bags for residents at Strabane Trails. The kids decorated gift bags and cards, and stuffed them with snacks, lotion, postage stamps, and puzzle books. Thank you for your support of that project!

God truly sparked joy, gave us peace, led the way, and went with us this week at VBS! Some of the most joyful parts for me were seeing the connections and relationships grown and strengthened. It’s great that the kids learned the Bible verse. It’s wonderful that they heard stories from the Bible about God’s presence and God’s love. But truly the most amazing part is the gift of community. It’s such a joy to see kids build and strengthen their relationships with one another and their adult leaders, and experience that this church is a place where they are loved, valued, and cared for. 

I’m so grateful for our week together, and for today, as we celebrate God’s presence with us.
