Money and mission

One of the things that is included in most of our worship services is a time to gather an offering. We share a portion of what God has first given us for ministry needs at Trinity, in our community, and beyond. While most of what you give stays at Trinity to meet our budget, a portion of offerings gathered is sent to the synod, and then our synod sends about half of what it receives from congregations to the ELCA Churchwide offices. This portion of offerings is called “Mission Support”, though you might also know it as “benevolence.” 

Photo by Bob Ghost on Unsplash

One of the gifts of being part of a larger denomination is that we can do much more together than we can as an individual congregation, or even as a synod. Mission Support goes to things like social ministry organizations, camps, and campus ministry here in our SWPA synod, as well as to ELCA World Hunger, global missions, seminary scholarships, support for new congregations, and more across the wider church and around the world. 

Generosity and giving have been an important part of the life of faith from the earliest chapters of the Bible. In Genesis 28:20-22, after experiencing God’s presence in a dream, Jacob thanks God for God's continued provision and then makes a vow: “...and of all that you give me I will surely give one-tenth to you.”

The earliest tithes consisted of the best ten percent of what had been harvested or raised. These offerings were sometimes burned on the altar (the aroma was thought to be pleasing to God) and then eaten in the worship place or shared with the poor. Later, the prophets shared God's words of judgment to people who thought that their offerings and rituals might exempt them from the critical work of justice and care for the poor and vulnerable.

In the New Testament, some of Paul's letters included encouragement for the Gentile churches across Asia Minor to send monetary gifts to the struggling Jewish Christians in Jerusalem (see Romans 15, 1 Corinthians 16, and 2 Corinthians 8-9). In addition to contributing to the needs of these siblings in Christ, this "Mission Support" was seen as a way to foster unity among these diverse and geographically separated congregations.

We, too, are connected to siblings in Christ far beyond this geographic location. Our giving is shared in joyful thanksgiving for all that God has done, as good stewardship of all that God has entrusted to us, and with trust in God's abundance and provision. Through these gifts, we are reminded of our connection to the wider Church as we see the many ways God is present and active in the world. 

Bonus resources: 

  • This video, from the ELCA, describes where your offering goes.
  • This video, from our synod's Stewardship Committee, gives a humorous take on the value and importance of mission support.
  • There are many ways to give to Trinity's mission and ministry. Offerings can be mailed to the church, placed in the offering plate on Sunday, mailed directly from your bank, or given online through the platform. You can specifically designate a portion of your offering as "mission support" on your offering envelope or by making a note for our counters. Thank you for your faithful and generous gifts!
