Today, April 22, is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day!
While we often associate care for the earth with the realm of science, we as Christians bear a particular responsibility to care for creation and all that has God made.
Photo by Cathy Mü on Unsplash |
We care for creation as a way of honoring God's work. I love the image from the second creation account in Genesis 2 of God planting a garden, kneeling in the dirt, and forming the human from the dust of the ground before breathing life into his nostrils. God has created a universe with such beauty, precision, function, and ingenuity, and we honor God's work when we work to protect creation and provide for its flourishing.
We care for creation because we know that all of creation is interconnected. We have seen the way that climate change has created instances of severe weather, which have affected growing seasons, animal habitats, and human communities. Our well-being as humans is connected to the health and well-being of the earth.
We care for creation because this is a way we love our neighbors. While we are all interconnected, it is also the case that vulnerable populations like the poor, women, and people of color are disproportionately affected by climate change.
How do we care for creation? We can be mindful of our own consumption - choosing products that are made with sustainable methods and materials, and, as we are able, sacrificing cost and convenience to do so. We can pick up litter, support conservation efforts, and call on companies and our government to make large-scale changes with the well-being of creation in mind.
What are some ways that you care for creation? Do you have favorite "green" swaps at home? What are your favorite ways to enjoy the beauty and wonder of all that God has made?
We are connected to one another, and to all of creation. When we care for the earth, we are caring for all that God has made, all that God has called good. God delights in and cares for all of creation – what joy there is when we do, too!
For a more in-depth look at what the Bible says about caring for creation, check out my presentation from the March 4 community Lenten lunch.
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