
Worthy of love

A different Christmas

joining Mary's song (a sermon for Advent 4)

Brown Jesus

Rejoice always (a sermon on 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24)

All Creation Sings

Construction crew (a sermon for Advent 2)

the journey and the destination (a sermon on Mark 13:24-37)

Waiting (a sermon on Matthew 25:1-13)

In the midst of uncertainty

called by name (a sermon for All Saints Day)

All Saints Day

Two truths (a sermon on John 8:31-36 for Reformation Sunday)

Luther's Small Catechism

what belongs to God (a sermon on Matthew 22:15-22)

where two or three are gathered

A feast for all peoples (a sermon on Isaiah 25:1-9)

who's in charge? (a sermon on Matthew 21:33-46)

St. Francis